Thursday, October 21, 2010

Eric Shirk - Blog Assignment 2

Today I went to Travis Townsend's exhibit and it was definitely the most interesting thing I had seen in a while. I loved how Townsend has set up his show. All of the wooden pieces seem to flow together pretty nicely with how the strings are positioned on the floor. Also, I feel as though all of the work kind of influences one another in that some of the pieces were sort of the same basic shape and a lot of them are made by using the same types of shapes to create them. The framing was very interesting in these pieces because there was in fact none. The lighting of the pieces sort of framed them in so to speak from the rest of the room. I think the reason these pieces work is because they are so abstract that they really grab your attention. Also, every piece is sort of its own little story because you can see how much time and effort was put into making it. The only thing that i would say does not work so much is the strings on the ground. It makes them not look like part of the piece.
The piece I was drawn to the most was one of the smallest ones there ironically. I was drawn to this piece because it was so small I almost looked over it and when I saw it I realized how delicate and intricate it was. The colors are fairly plain. They are basically a wood grain color for the chairs and ladder and black pencil for the art on the wall. The technique used to make this art looks to be sculpting because I am guessing he cut the wood to make the little chairs and ladder. Also, another technique used was drawing the art on the wall above the ladder. The pattern is also nice and the layout of the piece. The layout is interesting in that all of the chairs are on the right and only one is on the left. It is also interesting how the ladder leads up to the drawing.
I think this art is purely displaying the amount of time and effort people go through trying to make art when they are making art all the time and don't even realize it. I think this because all his pieces are made from art that other people he has tough had through away and so forth. I think the main point for this art is to show everyone that they really need to see what art is and not let it fall through the cracks.

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