Monday, December 13, 2010

Final Blog

For my final blog I looked at the work of John Hitchcock, an artist in I was very interested in his work because of the color schemes and just the overall theme of his works. A lot of the work that he does has some relation to animals and other living creatures. For example his one pieces called Ink on Paper is an image displaying tanks and a group of grasshoppers. I was especially intrigued by this piece. The way he made the tanks appear as if they were cartoons made the piece look really cool. I was also impressed by the use of shadows below all of the images in the work. The shadows gave it this type of distorted look, until the viewer got up close enough to make out the images as being shadows of the grasshoppers and tanks. In the piece some of the grasshoppers lay upside down making it appear as if they had died in the battle.
I found my self very interested in a lot of the pieces in his collection, the fact that he uses animals in an almost dark way makes his work unique. A lot of the pieces that he creates has some almost deathly or creepy feel to them. In one piece he created the head of a bull type figure that was melting away. He used a red ink that made the image look like evil story told like image from an old wives tale. I think that the use of the darker aspects makes his pieces stand out and catch my eye.
Finally the last piece of his that caught my eye was, They Will Rise (Warbirds) the image of a cartoon bird flying in a menacing way over a city like setting of buildings. The bird appears to be much larger than the buildings giving it a monster type feel to it. I think his color choice also plays a part in the interpretation of the piece. In the piece he uses black, white and medium blue, these colors together make it appear to be an almost dingy or gloomy day. I could see this image being used in a comic book about birds attacking the world. I think the colors play perfectly into the image and the title, if the colors were softer it would not appear to be as dark of an image. Overall I am impressed by all of his works and would be interested to see what else he comes out with n the future.

1 comment:

  1. Since you didn't upload images to the inkteraction site, which was part of the assignment, you will not receive credit for this blog. Sorry
