Sunday, February 21, 2010

Justin Miles #2

The art walk-in was a pretty good time. It's definitely better than what I would have been doing. There was a pretty nice turn out of artists and spectator's. There was also a lot of different food there. I didn't try any because I am trying to cut back but it looked very appealing and good. I liked how there weren't very many open places you couldn't walk anywhere without art being there which gave me a lot to look at. I didn't really enjoy the music to much however. I think maybe some music where only instruments would be played would have been more appropriate since the musicians there were obviously told not to be to loud.
I think the sculptures in the basement were great. I am not really a fun of sculptures because I feel there is a limited amount of emotion you can express by making a sculpture. The sculpture is usually used as a symbol to represent something or used for something. Some of the different things I saw in the basement did really catch my eye because of the different colors used and how it was made.
There was alot of artists there that caught my eye but there was really one in particular. I actually forget the lady's name unfortunately I did have here business card but I lost it. I really enjoyed her pieces because besides her landscaping work all of her pieces had phrases on them. I really respected that because a lot of people dont like words in pieces because the point of art is to express them by using something else. The way she used different phrases she made it so that the words captured the picture and enhanced it even that much more instead of using the words as a crutch.

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