Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Blog #3 Katelin Bolig

For my Art museums I choose the Philadelphia Art museum, and the Moore gallery. First I went to the Phili art museum. It was a pretty big museum, and there were some parts I liked, and others I did not really care for very much.

Philadelphia Art Museum
The piece above was one of my favorites. Claude Monet is one of my favorite artists. When you walk up to this piece and look closely it just looks like spots of paint, however, when you step back and focus you can understand the image. This is one of those pieces' that you can just keep looking at in my opinion, it is beautiful.I have not really seen that much Japanese Art previously to this trip. They had a Japanese Tea garden reconstructed inside the museum, and it was definitely one of my favorite things. Walking through I really loved this piece. I want to make a long piece like this sometime, I think it looks great. It is a simple piece, and yet really detailed.

This piece by Frans Snyders really stood out to me. I went back to this piece three different times. The fruit in the wreath jut popped out so nicely, the colors are fantastic. The painting is done very well, and the fruit looked so realistic.

Overall, I had a good time at the Art Museum. My favorites were Monet, Van Gogh, Paul Cezarrse, and the Japanese Art. The picture below is a picture of my sister Sarah and I in the museum.

Moore Gallery

This was one of the pieces in the installation. It was titled "Everything & Nothing." Inside a big empty room there were only a few pieces. There were cardboard boxes made of canvas and silk screening, an extension cord made of rope and tape, a few other odds and ends, and these receipts which were my favorite. They were actual receipts, but they were silk screened on canvas. I thought they were done really well, they looked as if they were on paper at first glance.

Another cool piece I found at the Moore Gallery. The back round of this was on the wall seamlessly. I love the photography It is so clear, and the cat was an excellent touch. The composition was good, and the props that they added really made the scene.

I haven't decided how I feel about this piece yet. I could not figure out at first what it was, but it is in fact human hair. There is a bunch of different kinds of hair all placed into different patterns to make this piece come together. It actually does look really cool, however, I think it kind of grosses me out a little. But nevertheless it is most definitely interesting art.

My trip to Philadelphia was a success, and I learned a lot. It was also cool to get some new ideas, and decide what techniques I would like to try in the future.

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