Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Kyle Gosson's Assignment #2

Seunghyo Hong, a photographer, is a man who came from a ranch in South Korea. He loves to take photo shots that catch beautiful images at right moments. He said he received his DSLR camera and trained by himself, played with the camera and found it motivated him to become a photographer. He wants to challenge the new thing and experiment with visual, colors and abstracts. Just to play with people’s eyes, or you could call this as “Trompe l’oeil.”

Hong wants to capture something that has a visual with a very strong compassion or feeling, or some odd structure angles of buildings. With the people, he wants to take pictures of their special moments as graduation, engage, wedding or newborn babies. Something is new and gets people inspire to see the photos, give them good memories. However, with landscaping, he loves to catch the colors of the skies and leave a lot of space open. That is giving you the feeling that you are pulling into the picture and be part of it too.

Hong follows his dream and travels around the world to collect every beautiful image that he had been seen. There are few places he went to: Mexico, Nova Scotia, St. Cyril, Washington DC, New York City, Philadelphia, Korea (home) and few others too. He lived couples of different places around world and current lives in the Susquehanna Valley of Central Pennsylvania.

I looked through few of his photo on the wall at the Art Walk and I found two picture that I really enjoy to look at them, something relate to outdoor
nature with strong atmosphere. The first one is the lighthouse, it is from Nova Scotia and then the second one is Ricketts Glen, a waterfall in Pennsylvania.

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