1. For title put your name and assignment #1.
2. You need to write at least 3 paragraphs about the current exhibition at Haas Gallery by Professor Sue O’Donnell. The gallery hours are Monday - Friday, 9am - 4pm. The show ends on September 11th. You only have a couple days to get to the gallery!
A. The first paragraph should discuss the exhibition as a whole. Here are a few possible topics: Discuss the works in relationship to each other, example: how has the artist set up the show? Does one work influence the next one? Do they tell a narrative? How has the artist choose to display the works, framing? Is it a cohesive exhibition? What makes it work? What would make it work better?
B. The second paragraph should discuss the visual elements of 1 piece of your choice. Take a photo of it with your cell phone or camera and upload it to the blog, then write about it below the picture. Describe the image formally (what are the colors? What is the medium/technique(s) used? What types of shapes, patterns, etc are utilized in the work?). This is a pure formal description of the visual elements used in the work; do not discuss content or artists intention in this paragraph.
C. For your 3rd paragraph I want you to interpret the meaning behind the particular work you have chosen and why. You are going to have to do some thinking on this one. One way to get some insight is to go to one of the artist’s lectures on Thursday September 10th at either 11:15 or 1:15 (both are the same). She will discuss the work at this time. This would be helpful and interesting, but this is not necessary. You could also make your own interpretation of the work by simply looking at it and thinking about it, just make sure you explain your reasoning. Since art is often subjective, and part of how we interpret it depends on our own experience, there is no right or wrong answer as long as you give an explanation to your belief.
3. Remember to consider your grammar and spelling. There is a spell check function on the blog. Please use it before you publish your writing.
4. The assignment must be posted by September 18 at 11:59pm. Please do not wait until the last minute in case you have computer issues. I will not accept late writings.
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